Connecting Contemporary Faith Communities!
Connecting Contemporary Faith Communities!
"This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success." (Joshua 1:8)
Why can't I be happy? That eternal question is asked by people all over the world…including Christian people. Some people receive Jesus as Lord and Savior believing they will forever feel happy. However, sometimes life throws curve balls and we strike out causing happiness to fade away for a season (or more). We sometimes sabotage our own happiness by the decisions we make, by what and how we think, the company we keep, and the words we speak. Most times, however, we are under strategic attack by a relentless enemy who is urgently seeking to kill, steal, and destroy our lives (see John 10:10). His strategy is to delay, deflect, and defeat—delay our hopes and dreams by deflecting our attention away from our purpose so that he can eventually defeat us. But, in order for Satan to defeat us he’ll have to go through the blood of Jesus Christ. Satan might delay and sometimes deflect, but he cannot defeat us when we are covered by the blood of the Lamb.
True happiness is a result of being in relationship with God and in constant contact with His word. If you’re in relationship with God, meditating on His word day and night as He instructs, then, God declares that you will make yourself happy, blessed, and prosperous.
Happiness is not a feeling, a thing, or an object that you find. The capacity to be happy resides within us and it is accessible when we delight ourselves in the Lord. Wealth is not the key to happiness. Popularity is not the key to happiness. Higher education is not the key to happiness. The key to happiness is responding to God’s call for relationship and through the study of His word.
How to be happy is no secret, God gives us the answer to that question in His word (see Joshua 1:8). But, being happy is a choice. God has equipped us with the ability to choose. We choose, daily, whether or not to dedicate ourselves to the discipline of Bible study. We choose our level of happiness and prosperity when we choose to honor His invitation to seek Him first (see Matthew 6:33). Every morning when we wake up, God showers us with new mercies (see Lamentations 3:22-23). We can choose to honor His mercies, every morning, by entering into His presence through Bible study. When we enter into His presence through Bible study, we can stand in agreement with Him and declare that we are blessed. When we enter into His presence through Bible study, we can be renewed in the spirit of our minds (see Ephesians 4:23). When we enter into His presence through Bible study, we can hide His word in our hearts so that we do not sin against Him.
There is a seed of happiness inside of you. How do you get this happiness seed to grow? Here’s a list of 10 practical things to do to increase your happiness:
1. stop being a people-pleaser
2. stop meditating on things that are not pleasant
3. stop comparing yourself to others
4. stop worshipping people
5. stop relying on others to make you feel worthy
6. stop speaking defeat into your life
7. stop wanting what other people have
8. stop walking after your flesh
9. stop living in fear
10. stop being intimidated
God told Joshua, over and over again, to meditate on His word day and night; then, he would be prosperous. To get your happiness seed to grow, practice reading God’s word. Hide it in your heart (see Psalm 119:11). Study it (see 2 Timothy 2:15). Meditate on it (see Psalm 119:30). Delight in it (see Psalm 37:4).
The Happier You! 22-Day Challenge is a daily reader through Psalm 119 which speaks to the abundance of happiness God promises those who abide in His word. The purpose of the Happier You! 22-Day Challenge is to inspire you to take control of and to own your happiness. Have you been waiting for God to make you happy? Forget about it. Choose to make yourself happy.
If you’ve struggled with reading the Bible consistently in the past or have trouble concentrating, pray about it. If you don’t understand scripture, ask God to give you understanding. If demonic attacks have left you tattered and torn, take refuge in His presence through prayer. If you’ve become overwhelmed and busy with living life, make a U-turn—God believes in do-overs. The Happier You! 22-Day Challenge rules are simple; for 22 consecutive days, follow theses steps:
Read or recite Joshua 1:8
Read Psalm 119 as outlined on the 22-Day Challenge Reader
Record your thoughts on the Happier You! journal sheet
Pray God’s word back to Him
Remember, you get to choose. I hope you choose happiness. I pray you choose to study God’s word.
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